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ANSA Rassegna Stampa
18.08.2007 Un'informazione incompleta
sulle operazioni antiterroristiche israeliane

Testata: ANSA
Data: 18 agosto 2007
Pagina: 1
Autore: la redazione
Titolo: «Mo: incursione Jenin, due morti»

Un lancio ANSA:

(ANSA) - RAMALLAH, 17 AGO - Un ragazzo di 15 anni e un altro palestinese sono stati uccisi stasera in un'incursione israeliana vicino al campo profughi di Jenin. Secondo fonti palestinesi, l'uomo rimasto ucciso era un miliziano delle 'Brigate Abu Ammar', braccio armato di al-Fatah. Mahmud Darwish (30 anni), sarebbe stato infatti il vero obiettivo. Nell'incursione e' rimasto ucciso anche un ragazzo, raggiunto da otto colpi in varie parti del corpo.

Di seguito, un articolo del Jerusalem Post che spiega le motivazioni dell'azione e la sua dinamica.
Gli israeliani operavano contro le infrastrutture del terrorismo, quando hanno individuato un gruppo di uomini armati.

Si deve anche sottolineare che il titolo del lancio ANSA è ancor più fuorviante dell'articolo è il titolo, che parla genericamente di "due morti" nell'incursione. Il lettore è portato a credere che entrambi fossero civili.

Two Palestinians were shot and killed on Friday during one of two gunfights which had ensued between IDF troops and Palestinian gunmen near the West Bank city of Jenin, local residents and doctors said.

The first exchange of fire broke out after soldiers entered the village of Kafr Dan, the residents said. Two Palestinians were killed; an Islamic Jihad gunman and one a civilian, doctors said. Several others were wounded.

The army said troops operating in the village against terror infrastructure identified a group of gunmen and shot toward them, hitting them.

Later Friday night, Palestinians opened fire at an IDF jeep in Kabatiya.

Meanwhile, at a checkpoint south of Nablus an explosive device was thrown at soldiers.

No casualties were reported in either incident.

Earlier Friday evening the IAF fired two missiles at Palestinian rocket launchers in the northern Gaza Strip shortly after three rockets and 12 mortars were fired towards Israel.

The missiles missed the launching squad that was on its way back from firing rockets toward Israel and caused no casualties, Hamas said.

Witnesses said they heard two explosions after seeing Israeli helicopters in the area.

The army confirmed that aircraft had fired at Palestinian terrorists who launched rockets.

All three rockets landed in the western Negev but the mortar shells failed to reach Israeli territory and instead landed close to the Gaza security fence. One rocket landed south of Ashkelon, the second near a kibbutz close to Sderot and the third in an open area in the Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council.

No casualties were reported in any of the attacks.

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