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Testata: ANSA
Data: 23/07/2003
Pagina: 1
Autore: un giornalista
Titolo: Notizia ignorata
2 terroristi palestinesi della Jihad Islamica,arrestati . Stavano preparando un attentato suicida contro civili israeliani.
Perche' il sito ANSA censura gli annunci del portavoce dell' esercito israeliano, mentre non gli sfugge mai un comunicato dell'Autorità palestinese ? Già, perchè ? PERCHE' ?

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July 23, 2003
IDF Forces Thwart Terrorist Attack
On July 22, 2003, IDF special forces arrested two Islamic Jihad terrorists planning to carry out an attack inside Israel. The Islamic Jihad terrorists, as well as an addditional wanted Palestinian, were arrested in the village of Rah'i, south west of Jenin.

IDF forces seize a variety of explosive material in the Nablus Casbah

IDF forces operating in the Nablus Casbah seized a variety of explosive material, including 15 pipe bombs, a 10 kilogram bomb, and iron used to manufacture shrapnel. The explosive material was detonated in a controlled explosion by IDF sappers.

In addition, IDF forces uncovered an explosive device weighing tens of kilograms in the village of Sahbastia, north of Nablus. The explosive device was detonated in a controlled explosion. No injuries were reported.

IDF forces in the Gaza Strip come under fire

Terrorists fired at an IDF position near the Israeli community of Gadid, in the southern Gaza Strip. No injuries were reported, but damage was caused to the position. ©Copyright IDF 1996-2003
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