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Il Foglio Rassegna Stampa
14.01.2009 Un falso clamoroso
l'uso di bombe al fosforo sulla popolazione palestinese: ora è la Croce Rossa a smentire

Testata: Il Foglio
Data: 14 gennaio 2009
Pagina: 1
Autore: la redazione
Titolo: «La Giornata nel mondo»

La Croce Rossa smentisce che Israele abbia utilizzato bombe al fosforo, se non per creare una cortina di fumo per nascondere l'avanzata delle truppe.
Sebbene i media italiani  abbiano per giorni diffuso sospetti del contrario, il 14 gennaio 2009 abbiamo trovato la notizia  solo nella rubrica "La Giornata nel mondo", dalla prima pagina del FOGLIO.
Si tratta di una tecnica consolidata di disinformazione. Dare al massima diffusione alla menzogna contro Israele e nascondere la smentita.

Ecco l'articolo del FOGLIO

Nessun uso improprio di bombe al fosforo. Per la Croce rossa Israele non ha fatto alcun uso improprio degli ordigni, utilizzati per creare una cortina di fumo capace di nascondere l’avanzata delle truppe.

Di seguito, in inglese, l'articolo pubblicato da Jerusalem Post il 14 gennaio (ripreso da Associated Press): 'IDF white phosphorus use not illegal'

The International Red Cross said Tuesday that Israel has fired white phosphorus shells in its offensive in the Gaza Strip, but has no evidence to suggest it is being used improperly or illegally.

Gaza op, Day 19 The comments came after a human rights organization accused the Jewish state of using the incendiary agent, which ignites when it strikes the skin and burns straight through or until it is cut off from oxygen. It can cause horrific injuries. The International Committee of the Red Cross urged Israel to exercise "extreme caution" in using the incendiary agent, which is used to illuminate targets at night or create a smoke screen for day attacks, said Peter Herby, the head of the organization's mines-arms unit. "In some of the strikes in Gaza it's pretty clear that phosphorus was used," Herby told The Associated Press. "But it's not very unusual to use phosphorus to create smoke or illuminate a target. We have no evidence to suggest it's being used in any other way." RELATED Law professor: Hamas is a war crimes 'case study' Dershowitz: Israel is well within its rights In response, the IDF said Tuesday that it "wishes to reiterate that it uses weapons in compliance with international law, while strictly observing that they be used in accordance with the type of combat and its characteristics." Herby said that using phosphorus to illuminate a target or create smoke is legitimate under international law, and that there was no evidence the Jewish state was intentionally using phosphorus in a questionable way, such as burning down buildings or knowingly putting civilians at risk. However, Herby said evidence is still limited because of the difficulties of gaining access to Gaza, where Palestinian health officials say more than 900 people have been killed and 4,250 wounded since Israel launched its offensive late last month. The operation aims to halt years of Palestinian rocket attacks over the border. Human Rights Watch accused Israel of firing phosphorous shells and warned of the possibilities of extreme fire and civilian injuries. The chemical was suspected in the cases of 10 burn victims who had skin peeling off their faces and bodies. White phosphorus is not considered a chemical weapon.

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