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16.09.2019 Mordechai Kedar: tra i massimi esperti di mondo arabo e islam
Le sue analisi in esclusiva italiana su IC

Testata: Informazione Corretta
Data: 16 settembre 2019
Pagina: 1
Autore: IC redazione
Titolo: «Mordechai Kedar: tra i massimi esperti di mondo arabo e islam»

Mordechai Kedar è lettore di arabo e islam all'Università di Bar Ilan a Tel Aviv. Nella stessa università è direttore del Centro Studi (in formazione) su Medio Oriente e Islam. E' studioso di ideologia, politica e movimenti islamici dei paesi arabi, Siria in particolare, e analista dei media arabi. Collabora a Informazione Corretta.

Tutti gli articoli in italiano di Kedar, pubblicati in esclusiva da IC, sono disponibili alla rubrica dedicata a Kedar, intitolata "L'islam dall'interno" la trovate su IC in home page (colonna di sinistra),: http://www.informazionecorretta.com/main.php?sez=320&cat=rubriche

Mordechai Kedar

Ecco di seguito l'elenco, in inglese, degli argomenti trattati da Kedar:

Jewish Issues:

1. Jew-Hatred / Antisemitism: roots, causes and ways to deal with it
2. Israel and the Diaspora: the widening gap
3. Against All Odds – A miracle named Israel
4. The European Jewry – where to?
5. The situation of European and American Jewry – similarities and differences
6. The mass migration to Europe and the Jewish communities

Israeli Issues:

1. The Results of the 2019 General Elections
2. The Controversy in Israel over Judea, Samaria and Gaza
3. Right, Center and Left in Israel

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Israel and its neighbors

1.Trump, Putin and the Middle East – What Can We Expect?
2. Israel at 72: Achievements and Challenges
3. Israel in a Changing Middle East – Challenges and Opportunities
4. Israel and the Palestinian Issue – Possible Solutions
5. The Middle East – where to?
6. Peace in the Middle East – What does it Need?
7. Iran – Where to?

Risultati immagini per middle east

Understanding Arab and Muslim Culture

1. "The Arab Spring" – Why did it fail?
2. Tribalism in the Middle East and its influence on politics and state building.
3. Turkey – What went wrong?
4. What is the struggle over Jerusalem all about?
5. Why do many Muslims hate the West?
6. Understanding the Iranians - What motivates the Ayatollahs?
7. Hezbollah - Ideology, politics and modus operandi.
8. Hamas - Ideology, politics and modus operandi.
9. Islam - A culture in crisis.
10. Islam in Democratic State - The Islamic Movements in Israel.
11. Democracy in the Middle East - Opportunity or danger?
12. Islamic Radicalism - Causes, ideology and ways to face it.
13. Sunnis and Shi'is - Why do they hate each other so?
14. Islamic Women between Tradition and Modernity.
15. Palestinian Political Illustrations - Cartoons and messages.
16. The Right of Return in the Palestinian National Ethos.
17. Hizballah, Hamas, and Israel - Living with the enemy.
18. Clash of Values: Gender and Family Issues - Sources of tension between Islam and the West.
19. Arab Intellectuals - Where are they?
20. Arab Mass Media – their role in ME societies.
21. The Other Voice in the Arab World - My personal experience.

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Lecture Subjects Concerning Military Intelligence:

1. Flawed intelligence assessments and mistaken policies resulting from cultural differences.
2. What motivates Arab states, societies and armies?
3. How to understand the Arab state media?
4. Major mistakes made by the Western coalition in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Lectures on Israeli domestic issues can also be considered


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