sabato 01 giugno 2024
I numeri telefonici delle redazioni
dei principali telegiornali italiani.

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La carte postale antisémite : de l’affaire Dreyfus à la Shoah 14/10/2011 -

Gérard Silvain Joel Kotek
La carte postale antisémite : de l’affaire Dreyfus à la Shoah
Berg International

Au moment de l'affaire Dreyfus, la judéophobie refoulée d'une bonne partie de la population s'exprime librement. On assiste alors à une véritable diffusion en force de la carte postale antisémite. Tous les aspects de la haine des Juifs sont véhiculés par ce puissant vecteur populaire, et ce jusque durant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale.
Les éditeurs exploitent sans vergogne les poncifs les plus éculés : ceux du Juif contre l'Église, contre la Nation et contre l'armée, ceux du Juif ploutocrate, du Juif pouilleux et du Juif nouveau riche. Après un aperçu historique, des textes explicatifs offrent aux lecteurs plus de 500 reproductions de cartes postales dont le but avoué est de diffuser, au mieux le mépris, au pire la haine de l'Autre ayant mené aux crimes nazis.

Canzoni, testi, immagini 03/10/2011 -

Herbert Pagani
Canzoni, testi, immagini
con CD audio

Uno degli autori più importanti e meno ricordati della musica italiana. Autore di canzoni indimenticabili, capace di portare nel nostro paese autori come Brel, Brassens, Gainsbourg e molti altri giganti della musica francese, Herbert Pagani fu anche un personaggio complesso e affascinante, ebreo laico impegnato per la pace tra Israele e Palestina, artista visivo, disegnatore, scultore. Questo volume, che ci riassume la sua vita, raccoglie tutti i testi delle sue canzoni e alcuni dei suoi scritti politici più importanti, e ripropone in Italia la voce di uno dei suoi intellettuali popolari fondamentali degli anni Settanta e Ottanta. Con interventi del figlio Marcus, del cantautore Marco Ferradini e del critico musicale Dario Salvatori.

Processo ai nemici di Israele 23/09/2011 -

Alan Dershowitz
The Case Against Israel’s Enemies

Tradotto in italiano da edizioni Eurilink, ordinabile presso qualunque libreria

In addition to Hamas, Alan Dershowtiz, Harvard law professor, argues that Israel's most dangerous enemies include Jimmy Carter and other western leaders who would delegitimize Israel as an apartheid regime subject to the same fate as white South Africans; Israel's academic enemies, led by professors Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer, who would accuse supporters of Israel of dual loyalty and indeed disloyalty to America; and Iran, led by Ahmadinejad, which threatens Israel by its development of nuclear weapons, which it has publicly threatened to use against the Jewish state. The author is at his outspoken changing both the tone and the focus of the debate about Israel's adversaries at a time when the future existence of Israel is increasingly imperiled. This book is vital to read for those who want to investigate the vile charges levelled against Israel and the motivations and moral turpitude of her enemies.

Verso una terra antica e nuova 12/09/2011 -

Giulio Schiavoni, Guido Massimo
Verso una terra antica e nuova

Sviluppatosi come risposta all'antisemitismo crescente della seconda metà dell'Ottocento e al processo di assimilazione degli ebrei nel mondo moderno, il sionismo ha segnato un passaggio decisivo della storia novecentesca. Questo libro si propone di analizzare le matrici storiche e l'impatto che l'idea sionista ebbe nei primi decenni del Novecento sulla cultura europea facendone emergere le contraddizioni e, talora, anticipandone la fine. Offre un'occasione di confronto su alcuni protagonisti e su importanti momenti della storia di questa idea tra la fine dell'Ottocento e la fondazione dello Stato d'Israele, in riferimento soprattutto alla cultura austro-tedesca e alle ripercussioni che tale idea ha avuto nell'ebraismo italiano.

Fabricating Israeli History 26/05/2014 -

Efraim Karsh
Fabricating Israeli History
London F. Cass

Efraim Karsh, professor of Political Studies at Bar Ilan University (where he is also a senior research associate at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies) and a principal research fellow of the Middle East Forum, a Philadelphia based think tank,  wrote an interesting book.

Israeli historiography is under assault by "new historians" exposing "Zionist narrative". This text takes issue with these "revisionists", arguing that they have ignored or misinterpreted much documentation in developing their analysis of Israel's history.

Karsh (a professor of Mediterranean Studies at the University of London) presents the first full-length and detailed rebuttal to those Israeli scholars who call themselves the "new historians." This group, whose ranks include  Ilan Pappé, and Avi Shlaim, seeks to expose Zionism as a rapacious movement and Israel as the actor that bears nearly full responsibility for the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Palestinian plight. Noting that others have critiqued the new historians' ignoring important source materials, Karsh concentrates on proving that "the very documentation used by these self-styled champions of `truth and morality' reveals a completely different picture from that which they have painted."
Elaborating on the argument first made in his June 1996 article in the Middle East Quarterly, Karsh focuses on three main issues: David Ben-Gurion's alleged endorsement of "transferring" Arabs out of the territory to become Israel, "collusion" between the Zionist movement and King `Abdallah of Jordan to snuff out a Palestinian state, and secret British support for this joint effort. To establish his case, Karsh digs deeply into the documentary record, even going so far as to interpret crossed-out sections in Ben-Gurion's handwritten letters. That's all vital to making his case, but Karsh's key strength is the application of unprejudiced common sense to clarify issues clouded by the pseudo-scholarship of propagandists
(Daniel Pipes, Middles East Forum Philadelphia)

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